Lords Of Strategy
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WPConsulting over 20 years of experience we’ll ensure you always get the best guidance. We serve clients at every level of their organization, in whatever capacity we can be most useful, whether as a trusted advisor to top management or as a hands-on coach for front line employees. For every engagement, we assemble a team with the most appropriate experience and expertise. Our goal is to optimise your business relationships by tailoring our services to your individual requirements
Launched in August 1960, it was WpConsulting first product ever.. It was the first milestone of a very long path its journey of success.
Responsible for attracting, retaining and developing our employees, driving our global communications strategy and developing.
We have received first awards in best Cinsulting service category for the highest ROI and the creativity of our solutions.
W today have a global reach with operations in over 10 countries and 4,200 employees from over 15 different nations.
We have received Second awards in best Cinsulting service category for the highest ROI and the creativity of our solutions.